Ahmad, Aqueil

Ahmad, Aqueil

Last name:  Ahmad
Name:  Aqueil

Aqueil Ahmad is currently a full-time faculty in the School of Management at Walden University, Minneapolis, MN. He is the author of 6 books, 59 journal articles, 12 contributions to books, 16 monographs and project reports, 13 book reviews, more than 50 conference papers, several funded projects, and over 75 special lectures on wide ranging topics in different parts of the world. His works have been published, to name but a few, in the Journal of Applied Sociology, Sociological Practice, Humanity & Society, Globalization, Peace Review, Society and Science, Journal of Military and Political Sociology, American Sociological Review, Journal of African and Asian Studies, Journal of Human Relations, Science and Public Policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, and many other national and international sources. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of globalization, international development, science and technology policy and management, global deviance; peace and non-violence, international management, sociological theory and analysis, social psychology, social and cultural change and complex organizations.

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