Antimonopoly Regulation System as a Driver for Ensuring the Economic Security of Russia's Product Markets. Commemorative medal for young researchers
Almanac: Kondratieff waves:Processes, Cycles, Triggers, and Technological Paradigms
The protection of the national economy from external and internal threats defines economic security. Monopolism and systemic flaws of the antimonopoly policy are the vexed issues of the current Russian economy. New crises that arise almost every year aggravate the country's economy which is already in stagnation. Hence, in the context of ensuring economic security the development of the antimonopoly regulation system seems relevant at present.
Keywords: economic security, antimonopoly regulation, inequality, poverty, monopoly.
At present the Economic Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 is the paramount document regulating the challenges and threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation which was adopted to implement the strategic national priorities of the country. However, one of its major drawbacks is the lack of provisions on the protection of competition, and the fight against monopolism, which makes it impossible to overcome the challenges and threats and to achieve the goals of the state policy of economic security.
The interdepartmental program of measures to identify and suppress cartels and other agreements restricting competition for 2019–2023 which was developed on the basis of the Strategy until 2030 partially closes this gap.
The program includes only two indicators:
– the ratio of the initiated enforcement proceedings to collect administrative fines to the number of resolutions received by the structural units of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia;
– the number of cases of violation of the antimonopoly laws of the Russian Federation, initiated on the basis of a cartel and (or) another agreement restricting competition, the revenues from the sale of goods (works, services) gained by all participants of the agreement restricting competition is less than 50 million rubles (or damage from which is less than 10 million rubles).
Nothing above-mentioned contributes to the adequate achievement of the goals of antimonopoly laws and economic security. The inefficiency of the exis-ting management system resulted in manual regulation of food prices by the country's top officials in December 2020.
In addition, the current situation is exacerbated by the income inequality of the country's population. A system of 40 indicators affecting various aspects
of the socio-economic and scientific-technological development describes the state monitoring of Russia's economic security. Therewith, the coefficient of funds (15.6 in 2019 with a threshold value of 7), and the share of citizens and workers with monetary incomes and wages below the subsistence level (13.1 % in 2020 at a threshold value of 6 %) are a single indicator that determines the level of income inequality. However, none of the above indicators takes into account the population's cash expenses or the possibility to influence them whereas the balance between income and expenditure ultimately determines the opportunity to make savings.