Global Society as Singularity and Point of Transition to the New Phase of Social Evolution

Global Society as Singularity and Point of Transition to the New Phase of Social Evolution
Author: Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Almanac: Globalistics and Globalization StudiesGlobalization Studies and Evolutionary Trends

In this article social evolution is considered as a process consisting of three phases: adaptive, structural and cognitive, which are separated by two phase transitions or by two singularities – the neolithic and the global. The mechanism of social evolution at these phases is different and is based on different institutional means of cognition and competition. At the current structural phase, competition of individuals leads to inequality, and competition of societies leads to extension of societies. Social inequality and exploitation of the periphery become institutional tools for the development. The expansion of societies and evolutionary limitations of its growth lead to life cycles of societies. The maximum size of society increases in the process of evolution and tends to cover all humankind. The Global Society is a final point of structural evolution, and transition to it is singularity. It will be a metamorphosis of the society's nature. The mechanism of further social evolution at the cognitive phase will rely directly on individual's need for cognition and self-realization, and not on the special social institutions. Mathematical model of the primary transformations dynamics at the structural phase is described by the equation T(n) = – 11214 + 1893 n, where T(n) is the moment of evolutionary transformation, and n is the ordinal number of transformation. Global singularity is predicted by this model in AD 3930.

Keywords: social evolution, phase of evolution, singularity, global society, sociogenesis.

Sergey V. Dobrolyubov more