Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Last name: Dobrolyubov
Name: Sergey
Author's Articles
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Sociogenesis vs. Marx Evolutionary Determinism: The Anthropic Mechanism of Social Dynamics// Social Evolution & History. Volume 11, Number 1 / March 2012
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
The Two-Factor Model (Authority-Solidarity) of Society's Structural Cycles in Evolutional Perspective// Social Evolution & History. Volume 20, Number 1 / March 2021
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Theory of Society's Genesis// Social Evolution & History. Volume 8, Number 1 / March 2009
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Global Society as Singularity and Point of Transition to the New Phase of Social Evolution// Evolution: Evolutionary Trends, Aspects, and Patterns
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Global Society as Singularity and Point of Transition to the New Phase of Social Evolution// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Globalization Studies and Evolutionary Trends
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Global Society as Singularity and the Point of Transi- tion to the New Phase of Social Evolution// History & Mathematics: Big History Aspects
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Simple Bifactorial Model of Structural Cycles Applied to Russian History// History & Mathematics: Historical and Technological Dynamics: Factors, Cycles, and Trends
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
The Two-Factor Model of the Society's Life Span for an Attempt to Reconcile Evolutionary Contradictions// Evolution: Trajectories of Social Evolution
List of Authors