Hong Fan
Last name: Hong
Name: Fan
Winthrop Professor in Asian Studies and Director of Confucius Institute at the Faculty of Arts, the University of Western Australia. She received her BA and MA in China and PhD in UK. She was Professor in Chinese Studies at De Montfort University in England before she moved to University College Cork, National University of Ireland in June 2006. From 2006 to 2013 she was the funding Director of Irish Institute of Chinese Studies and the Confucius Institute, and Head of the School of Asian Studies at University College Cork. Under her leadership the Confucius Institute was awarded the prestigious title the ‘Confucius Institute of the Year’ in 2011. She was the president of the Asian Studies Association Ireland from 2009 to 2013. She is academic editor of The International Journal of the History of Sport published by Routledge which is included in the Social Science Citation Index. She is editor of the book series Asian Studies – Within and Without published by EHV. She is also a member of various editorial boards including Sport, Policy and Politics and the International Encyclopaedia of Women and Sport. She was the member of the Education Commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) between 2001–2003.
Author's Articles
Herrmann, Peter; Hong Fan; Rzepka Remi
Education in an International Setting// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
List of Authors