Howell, Anthony
Anthony Howell is currently a doctoral candidate at the Geography Department at UCLA and holds advanced degrees in both Statistics (UCLA – 2012) and Geography (Michigan State University – 2009). Trained as a statistician, urban-economic geographer and China specialist, Anthony's research combines applied statistical approaches with the aid of GIS techniques and mapping of spatial relationships to develop new empirically-driven theoreti-cal frameworks that are capable of informing social and economic policy. His dissertation research, supported by a 2012–13 Fulbright scholarship, is a microeconomic analysis that presents new, critical information highlighting the short- and long-run impacts of Chinese industrial policy on innovation, knowledge spillovers and firm performance. Prior to enrol-ling at UCLA, Anthony attended Michigan State University for both undergraduate and graduate studies. At MSU, Anthony participated in 9 study/research abroad programs that provided diverse opportunities to study Spanish and Chinese languages, volunteer with or-phans and the disabled, intern, and carry out research projects in countries ranging from Mexico to Ireland, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates and China. In summer 2006, Anthony participated in an undergraduate research opportunity that took him for the first time to China, where he examined rural-urban migration patterns at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. The culmination of Anthony's experiences in China were life-changing, both personally and professionally. Since 2006, Anthony has accumulated 2-years of experience living in China, dedicating much of his time to language acquisition, and researching issues related to migration, inequality and regional growth.
Author's Articles
Howell, Anthony
Is Geography ‘Dead’ or ‘Destiny’ in a Globalizing World? A Network Analysis and Latent Space Modeling Approach of the World Trade Network// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 4, Number 2 / November 2013
Howell, Anthony
Is Geography ‘Dead’ or ‘Destiny’ in a Globalizing World? A Network Analysis and Latent Space Modeling Approach of the World Trade Network// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Aspects & Dimensions of Global Views
Howell, Anthony
Is Geography ‘Dead’ or ‘Destiny’ in a Globalizing World? A Network Analysis and Latent Space Modeling Approach of the World Trade Network// History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles
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