Kingsly Awang Ollong
Kingsly Awang Ollong is Lecturer at the Department of History, Higher Teacher Training College of the University of Bamenda in Cameroon. He is a holder of a PhD in economic history with particular interest in international business. He is currently at Lesley University as an Exchange Fellow under the West African Research Association (WARA). His main research interest falls within the purview of multinational corporations – his PhD thesis was on that.
Author's Articles
Kingsly Awang Ollong
Implication of the 2008–2009 Global Financial Crisis on Remittances by the Cameroon Diaspora// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 6, Number 1 / May 2015
Kingsly Awang Ollong
The Cameroonian Diaspora: An Assessment of its Role in Local Development// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 4, Number 2 / November 2013
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