Reznikova, Zhanna

Reznikova, Zhanna

Last name:  Reznikova
Name:  Zhanna

Head of the Department of Comparative Psychology, Novosibirsk State University;
Head of the Laboratory of Community Ethology, Institute for Animal Systematics and Ecology RAS
Institute for Animal Systematics and Ecology
Frunze st. 11,Novosibirsk, 630091,Russia
Tel. 7 3832 284938
Fax: 7 3832 170973

Home Page:

SUMMARY: Researcher and Professor in the fields of Behavioural Ecology, Comparative and Cognitive Ethology, Ecology and Behaviour of Social Insects. Has published over 150 scientific publications, among which a book "Animal Intelligence: From Individual to Social Cognition", and 8 monographs in Russian. Head of the Department of Comparative Psychology, Novosibirsk State University,Head of the Laboratory of Community Ethology, Institute for Animal Systematics and Ecology RAS, A member of IUSSI (International Union for the Study of Social Insects), of ASAB (Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour) and of IALE (International Association of Landscape Ecologists).

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