Saniotis, Arthur
Last name: Saniotis
Name: Arthur
Arthur Saniotis is currently a Visiting Research Fellow in the School of Medical Sci-ences, the University of Adelaide. He completed his PhD in 2002 where he examined altered states of consciousness among Indian Sufis. He has had a varied teaching and research history and has published over 100 articles and book chapters in social and health sciences. His current research interests are in the areas of evolutionary medi-cine, future studies, medical anthropology, shamanism and mind/body medicine. He is always interested in collaborating with scholars worldwide with a view of sharing knowledge and improving our understanding of the world.
Author's Articles
Saniotis, Arthur; Henneberg, Maciej; Kumaratilake, Jaliya
An Evolutionary and Anthropological Examination of Brain/Mind and Novelty// Evolution: Development within Big History, Evolutionary and World-System Paradigms
List of Authors