Shinakov, Evgeniy A.
Last name: Shinakov
Name: Evgeniy
Bryansk State University
Author's Articles
Shinakov, Evgeniy A. ; Polyakova, Svetlana G.
Comparative Analysis of the Process of Initial State Genesis in Rus' and Bulgaria// Social Evolution & History. Volume 10, Number 2 / September 2011
Shinakov, Evgeniy A.
The Mechanisms of the Old Russian State Genesis// Social Evolution & History. Volume 6, Number 2 / September 2007
Yerokhin, Alexander; Shinakov, Evgeniy A.
The Process of Politogenesis in Anglo-Saxon England and Rus': A Comparative Aspect// Social Evolution & History. Volume 12, Number 2 / September 2013
Ganzha, Alexander; Shinakov, Evgeniy A.
Was the War Caused by the Circumscription the Only Way to the State?// Social Evolution & History. Volume 11, Number 2 / September 2012
List of Authors