Trouwborst, Albert A.
Last name: Trouwborst
Name: Albert A.
The late Albert A. Trouwborst (1928) was Emeritus Professor of Social Anthropology at the Catholic University (nowadays Radbod University) of Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He studied Indology at Leiden University, where he took his Ph.D. in 1956. He conducted fieldwork in Burundi (East Africa) and among the Mataway Creoles of Surinam. His publications include: Burundi. Ethnologie et Culture Africaine. Paris: UNESCO; From Tribute to Taxation. On the dynamics of the Early State, in: H. J. M. Claessen and P. van de Velde (eds.), 1987: Early State Dynamics, Leiden: Brill. He died in October 2007. He left as manuscript: Leven op de heuvelen van Burundi, Nijmegen 2007 (290 pp.).
Author's Articles
Trouwborst, Albert A.
The End of the Early State: The Case of Burundi// Social Evolution & History. Volume 7, Number 1 / March 2008
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