Urry, John
Last name: Urry
Name: John
John Urry is Distinguished Professor of Sociology, Lancaster University; RSA Fellow; Founding Academician, UK Academy of Social Sciences; Chair Sociology Research As-sessment Panel (1996, 2001); Honorary Doctorate, Roskilde; editor of International Library of Sociology (Routledge); co-editor of Mobilities; member of the Scientific Advisory Com-mittee of Unesco' 2013 World Social Science Report. Current Director of the Lancaster Cen-tre for Mobilities Research. Published 40 books and special issues. Recent books include Automobilities (2005), Mobilities, Networks, Geographies (2006), Mobilities (2007), Aero-mobilities (2009), After the Car (2009), Mobile Lives (2010), Mobile Methods (2010), The Tourist Gaze 3.0 (2011), Climate Change and Society (2011), Societies beyond Oil (2013).
Author's Articles
Urry, John
Carbon Capitalism and the Problem of Energy// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 4, Number 1 / May 2013
List of Authors