Vasilenko, Vasily N.
Last name: Vasilenko
Name: Vasily N.
Doctor of Philosophy, author, editor-in-chief of the e-almanac ‘Noosphere of the XXI century’ (URL:;; senior staff scientist at Volzhsky Institute of Humanities, affiliate of Volgograd State University and Volgograd Centre for Social Studies; Full Member of the International Academy of Noosphere (sustainable development), Noospheric Public Academy of Sciences, International Academy of Innovation and Social Technology, European Academy of Natural Sciences; member of coordinating board at Noospheric Spiritual and Ecological Assembly of Peace. He is the author of over 200 scholarly publications, including several monographs. These monographs include On the Way to Noosphere (1997), Sustainable Russia (2003); Globalization and Forced Migration of People (2007; co-author R. Ulmasov); textbook Noospheric Futurology (2010; co-author G. M. Imanov); Russia and Earthmen: Before Making a Choice (2011; co-authors L. S. Gordina, G. M. Imanov, G. N. Bichev). He is a scientific editor of collective monographs such as Man and Society: Noospheric Development (2010); The Noospheric Strategy of Russian Citizens' Health Protection (O. A. Ragimova, 2010); Noospheric Philosophy of Global Modernization (G. M. Imanov, 2011); Noospheric Foundations of the Philosophy of Creativity of Generations (A. I. Dzura, 2012).
Author's Articles
Vasilenko, Vasily N.
The Noospheric Concept of Evolution, Globalization and Big History// Evolution: From Big Bang to Nanorobots
List of Authors