Kurtz, Donald V.
Last name: Kurtz
Name: Donald V.
Donald V. Kurtz is Professor Emeritus, Anthropology, University of Wis-consin-Milwaukee and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology, University of Texas, San Antonio. His main research interest is political anthropology and he publishes in other areas of social anthropology. Publications include: Hegemony and An-thropology, 1996; Gramsci, Exegeses, Reinterpretations. Critique of Anthropology 16(2): 103–135; Political Anthropology: Paradigms and Power. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 2001; The Evolution of Politics and the Transition from Political Status to Political Office. Social Evolution & History: Studies in the Evolution of Human Societies 3(2) (2004): 150–175. He can be contacted at d.v.k@anvil-com.com
Author's Articles
Hanson, Jerry; Kurtz, Donald V.
Ethnogenesis, Imperial Acculturation on the Frontiers, and the Production of Ethnic Identity: The Genízaro of New Mexico and the Red River Métis// Social Evolution & History. Volume 6, Number 1 / March 2007
Kurtz, Donald V.
Gender, Genes, Enculturation: The Origin of Culture and Becoming Human// Social Evolution & History. Volume 8, Number 2 / September 2009
Kurtz, Donald V.
Globalization and Energy: An Anthropological Perspective// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 5, Number 2 / November 2014
Kurtz, Donald V.
In Memory of Professor Hans Claessen// Social Evolution & History. Volume 21, Number 2 / September 2022
Kurtz, Donald V.
Political Power and Government: Negating the Anthropomorphized State// Social Evolution & History. Volume 5, Number 2 / September 2006
Kurtz, Donald V.
Politics, Culture, Rhetoric, Global Warming: From Local to Global Realities// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 10, Number 1 / May 2019
Kurtz, Donald V.
Social Boundary Networks and the Vertical Entrenchment of Government Authority in Early State Formations// Social Evolution & History. Volume 7, Number 1 / March 2008
Kurtz, Donald V.
State Origins: Clarifications and Reformulations// Social Evolution & History. Volume 11, Number 2 / September 2012
Kurtz, Donald V.
The Evolution of Politics and The Transition from Political Status to Political Office// Social Evolution & History. Volume 3, Number 2 / September 2004
Kurtz, Donald V.
The Evolution of Social Organization// Social Evolution & History. Volume 10, Number 2 / September 2011
Kurtz, Donald V.; Fustes, Manuel
The Politics of Global Warming: Sciemocracy and the Rescue of the Kobayashi Maru// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 7, Number 1 / May 2016
Kurtz, Donald V.; Fustes, Manuel
The Politics of Global Warming: Sciemocracy and the Rescue of the Kobayashi Maru// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies
List of Authors