Moore, Carmella C.
Last name: Moore
Name: Carmella C.
Carmella C.Moore is Associate Research Anthropologist at the University of California, Irvine. Her research has been in the fields of medical anthropology, psychological anthropology, and cross-cultural research methods. Her publications include The Psychology of Cultural Experience (2001 with Holly F.Matthews), "Material Culture, Geographic Propinquity, and Linguistic Affiliation on the North Coast of New Guinea" (1994 with A.K.Romney) "Regions Based on Social Structure" (Current Anthropology 1996, with Michael L.Burton, John Whiting, and A.K.Romney), "The Contribution of Medical Anthropology to the Comparative Study of Culture" (Medical Anthropology Quarterly 2001, with Arthur J.Rubel), "The Universality of the Semantic Structure of Emotion Terms" (American Anthropologist 1999, with A.K.Romney, Ti-Lien Hsia, and Craig D.Rusch), and "Methods for the Study of Inter-and intra-cultural variability" (American Anthropologist 1999, with A.K.Romney). Email: CCMoore@Uci.edu.
Author's Articles
Burton, Michael L.; Romney, A.Kimball; Moore, Carmella C.
The Use of Cross-Cultural Research Methodology in the Study of Deep History // History & Mathematics: Analyzing and Modeling Global Development
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