Romney, A.Kimball
Last name: Romney
Name: A.Kimball
A.Kimball Romney is Research Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine and a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. He has made important research contributions to the cross-cultural study of socialization, to cognitive anthropology, to the use application of multidimensional scaling models to anthropology, to the study of social networks, and to the field of cross-cultural research. His books include The Mixtecans of Juxtlahuaca, Mexico (1965), Systematic Data Collection (1988 with Susan Weller), and Metric Scaling (1990, with Susan Weller). Important articles include "Cognitive Aspects of English kin Terms (American Anthropologist 1964, with Roy G.D' Andrade), "Sibling Terminology and Cross-sex Behavior" (American Anthropologist 1967 with Sara B.Nerlove), "Culture as Consensus" (American Anthropologist 1986 with Susan Weller and William Batchelder), "Material Culture, Geographic Propinquity, and Linguistic Affiliation on the North Coast of New Guinea" (Current Anthropology 1994 with Carmella Moore), "Regions Based on Social Structure" (Current Anthropology 1996, with Michael L.Burton, John Whiting, and Carmella Moore), and "Methods for the Study of Inter-and intra-cultural variability" (American Anthropologist 1999 with Carmella C.Moore). His current research is primarily focused on the study of color perception. Email: AKRomney@UCI.edu.
Author's Articles
Burton, Michael L.; Romney, A.Kimball; Moore, Carmella C.
The Use of Cross-Cultural Research Methodology in the Study of Deep History // History & Mathematics: Analyzing and Modeling Global Development
List of Authors