Wajzer, Mateusz
Last name: Wajzer
Name: Mateusz
University of Silesia in Katowice
Author's Articles
Skarzynski, Ryszard; Wajzer, Mateusz; Staniucha, Tymoteusz
Mind and Vision: Social Evolution and the Origins of the Political// Social Evolution & History. Volume 15, Number 1 / March 2016
Wróbel, Sylwester; Wajzer, Mateusz; Cukier-Syguła, Monika
Some Remarks on the Genetic Explanations of Political Participation// Social Evolution & History. Volume 19, Number 2 / September 2020
Wajzer, Mateusz
The Explanatory Potential of Rational Choice Theory: A Critical Assessment// Social Evolution & History. Volume 14, Number 1 / March 2015
Skarzynski, Ryszard; Wajzer, Mateusz; Staniucha, Tymoteusz
Mind and Vision: Social Evolution and the Origins of the Political// Evolution: Evolutionary Trends, Aspects, and Patterns
Wajzer, Mateusz
Political Violence and Evolutionary Game Theory: A Methodological Introduction// History & Mathematics: Investigating Past and Future
List of Authors