Bondarenko, Valentina
Last name: Bondarenko
Name: Valentina
Valentina Bondarenko is the Leading Researcher of the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Economics, Director of the N. D. Kondratieff International Foundation, the author of the new methodology for cognition of regularities in the human community development. Her most widely known publications include: ‘Contours of the New Methodology for Cognition of Regularities in the Human Community Development’ (2002, in Russian); ‘Warfare and International Security: Future Perspective’ (2006); Forecasting the Future: A New Paradigm (2008, in Russian); ‘New Methodological Approach to Forming Russia Development Strategy’ (2008, in Russian); ‘Innovations, Information Society and Long-Term Development Strategy of Russia’ (2009, in Russian); ‘Contours of the Economy of the Future and the Present: Two Paradigms of Development’ (2011, in Russian); ‘Outlines of the Future or, Are There Any Chances for A Transition to Sustainable and Crisis-Free Development?’ (2011, in Russian).
Author's Articles
Bondarenko, Valentina
A Unified Developmental Strategy for the Global World: A Necessity and Opportunity// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 12, Number 2 / November 2021
Bondarenko, Valentina
Global Processes and Their Dynamics: Two Paradigms of Development// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 2, Number 2 / November 2011
Bondarenko, Valentina
The Present and Future of Technological Development and the Construction of the Information Society// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 15, Number 2 / November 2024
Bondarenko, Valentina
A Worldview Approach to the Developmental Problems of Russia and the World// Globalistics and globalization studies Big history & global history
Bondarenko, Valentina
Conditions for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Russia and the World// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Globalization Studies and Evolutionary Trends
Bondarenko, Valentina
Digital Economy: Formation, Development and Implementation// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Bondarenko, Valentina
Global Processes and Their Dynamics: Two Paradigms of Development// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Bondarenko, Valentina
Governing the Time Will Govern Development – or, ‛Territory of Faster Development: Everything for People’ Megaproject Realization Proposals// Evolution: From Big Bang to Nanorobots
Bondarenko, Valentina
N. D. Kondratieff's Legacy and the Role of His Views in Analyzing Modern Economic Problems and Trends// Kondratieff waves: Kondratieff's Theoretical Legacy: Perspectives from Modern Times
Bondarenko, Valentina
Providing the Balance of Technological and Social Changes in Real-Time Regime Plus the Economic Growth// Kondratieff waves: Cycles, Crises, and Forecasts
Bondarenko, Valentina
Providing the Balance of Technological and Social Changes in Real-Time Regime Plus the Economic Growth// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Bondarenko, Valentina
The Feat of Life and Creativity// Kondratieff waves: Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratieff
Bondarenko, Valentina
The Intellectual Potential of a New Methodological Approach to the Cognition of the Future and Formation of the Strategy for Its Achievement (Gold medal)// Kondratieff waves: The Spectrum of Opinions
Bondarenko, Valentina
The Main Trends of the Global Dynamics and the Future of the World Development// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Aspects & Dimensions of Global Views
Aleshkovskii, Ivan; Bondarenko, Valentina
Towards a New Paradigm of Global Development// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Current and Future Trends in the Big History Perspective
List of Authors