List of Articles: Evolutionary Trends, Aspects, and Patterns
Evolutionary Trends, Aspects, and Patterns
I. Big History's Phases and Long-Term Trends
LePoire, David
Expansion and Integration Phases in the Major Stages of Big History -
Last, Cadell
Symbolic Orders and the Structure of Universal Internalization
II. Cosmic Evolution
Grinin, Leonid
Was There a Big Bang? -
Novoseltsev, Dmitry A.
The Catalysis Project: On the Possibility of Purposeful Expansion of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy -
Grinin, Leonid
Evolution of the Early Solar System in Terms of Big History and Global Evolution
III. The Aspects of Socio-Cultural and Political Evolution
Skarzynski, Ryszard; Wajzer, Mateusz; Staniucha, Tymoteusz
Mind and Vision: Social Evolution and the Origins of the Political -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Chiefdoms: From Archaic Polities to Modern Terrorist Organizations -
Spooner, Brian
What does Big History Do for the Study of Religion? -
Baskin, Ken
Religion as the Ultimate Human Evolutionary Survival Strategy -
Gelis-Filho, Antonio
Geoculture: Missing in Action
IV. Looking from the Past into the Future
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Technological Dimension of Big History and the Cybernetic Revolution -
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Global Society as Singularity and Point of Transition to the New Phase of Social Evolution -
Hookes, David
The Need for the Second Solar-Digital Revolution: Advice and Warning from a Friendly, Alien Civilisation -
Butler-Hookes, Johanna
Agroecology vs Agribusiness in the Solar- Digital Age -