Diebolt, Claude
Last name: Diebolt
Name: Claude
Claude Diebolt is Research Professor in economics (esp. cliometrics) for the French National Agency for Scientific Research (CNRS) and Director of the Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA), a CNRS institute located at the Univer-sities of Strasbourg and Nancy. He is also Founding President of the French Cliomet-ric Society, Founding Managing Editor of Cliometrica (Springer Verlag), member of the Board of Trustees of the American Cliometric Society, and member of the Gov-erning Board of the French Economic Association. His research interests and publica-tion domains are cliometrics, macroeconomics, time series econometrics and history of economic thought. He teaches cliometrics at the Humboldt University in Berlin and the University of Strasbourg. Homepage: http://www.beta-umr7522.fr/-DIEBOLT-Claude.
Author's Articles
Diebolt, Claude
Cliometrics of Economic Cycles in France// Kondratieff Waves: Dimensions and Prospects at the Dawn of the 21st Century
Diebolt, Claude; Pellier, Karine
Patents in the Long Run: Theory, History, and Statistics// History & Mathematics: Investigating Past and Future
Diebolt, Claude
Trend, Cycles and Chance// Kondratieff waves: Historical and Theoretical Aspects
List of Authors