Malkov, Sergey
Last name: Malkov
Name: Sergey
PhD in technical sciences, professor, member of Russian Academy of Military Sciences. He is the chief of the Center for Strategicakl Nuclear Forces of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences, professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics at Russian State Social university (RGSU). He is the author of more than 200 scientific works including monographs "Modeling of Social-Political and Economic Dynamics (Moscow; RGSU, 2004 in coauthoship with M. G. Dmitriev et al.) and "Providing Stability of Complex Technical Systems" (Fizmatlit, 2006; in coauthorsjip with V. V. Goncharov, B. I. Kovalyov and V. N. Bakulin)
Current reserach interests are associated with the development of methods of modeling stability of social-economic systems under the influence of destabilizing factors and investigation of the ways to supply strategic stability, to create logical-mathematical models of social evolution and historical processes.
Author's Articles
Grinin, Leonid; Malkov, Sergey; Korotayev, Andrey
Hoping for the Future. A Russian Report to the Club of Rome// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 14, Number 1 / May 2023
Malkov, Sergey
Review of Social Macroevolution: Genesis and Transformation of the World System by Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotayev// Social Evolution & History. Volume 11, Number 1 / March 2012
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Malkov, Sergey
A Mathematical Model of Juglar Cycles and the Current Global Crisis// History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics
Korotayev, Andrey; Malkov, Sergey; Grinin, Leonid
A Trap at the Escape from the Trap? Some Demographic Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modernizing Social Systems// History & Mathematics: Trends and Cycles
Malkov, Sergey; Bilyuga, S.; Davydova, O.; Malkov, D.
Resistance to Socio-Political Instability as an Indicator of the Country's Successful Development// Globalistics and globalization studies Big history & global history
Kaverin, Mikhail А.; Malkov, Sergey
The Elementary Structures of International Institutional Evolution// Globalistics and globalization studies Big history & global history
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Bilyuga, S.; Malkov, Sergey
The Empirical Analysis of the Voting Results in the UN General Assembly// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Malkov, Sergey
The Logic of World Development// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Malkov, Sergey
The Mathematical Model of Juglar Cycles and the Current Global Crisis// Kondratieff waves: Cycles, Crises, and Forecasts
List of Authors