Ilyin, Ilya V.
Last name: Ilyin
Name: Ilya V.
Ilya V. ILYIN is the Dean of the Faculty of Global Studies, the Head of the Department of Globalistics, Lomonosov Moscow State University. He is the author of over 200 scholarly publications on Globalistics, including such books as Introduction to Global Ecology (2009, in Russian; in co-authorship with A. Ivanov), Evolutionary Globalistics (2010, in Russian; co-authored with A. Ursul), Introduction in Paleoglobalistics (2011, in Russian; co-authored with R. Gabdullin and A. Ivanov).
Author's Articles
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Leonova, Olga
‘Non-Global’ Globalization. New Features of Political Globalization// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 13, Number 1 / May 2022
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Globalistics: An Introduction// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 3, Number 1 / May 2012
Zinkina, Julia; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Korotayev, Andrey
The Early Stages of Globalization Evolution: Networks of Diffusion and Exchange of Domesticates, Technologies, and Luxury Goods// Social Evolution & History. Volume 16, Number 1 / March 2017
Aleshkovskii, Ivan; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Shestova, Tatyana
Understanding the Global World// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 12, Number 2 / November 2021
Vladimir S. Osipov; Aleksandr P. Tsypin; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Andreev, Alexey I.
World Intellectual Capital Circulation: Brain Drain, High-Tech Products and Export of Technologies// Journal of Globalization Studies. Volume 15, Number 1 / May 2024
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Andreev, Alexey I.
World Order in the Past, Present, and Future// Social Evolution & History. Volume 15, Number 1 / March 2016
Andreev, Alexey I.; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Zinkina, Julia
Approaches and Paradigms in Defining the Essence of Globalization// Globalistics and globalization studies Big history & global history
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Evolutionary Globalistics// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Aspects & Dimensions of Global Views
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.; Ursul, Tatyana; Dugarova, Midegue
From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Ursul, Arkadi A.; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Global Evolutionism: Theoretical and Methodological Problems// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Andreev, Alexey I.
Global History and Future World Order// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Global Knowledge Revolution// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Aspects & Dimensions of Global Views
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Gabdullin, R.; Ivanov, A.
Global Processes and Systems// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Theories, Research & Teaching
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ivanov, A.
Global Processes, Systems and Problems through Globalistics Lens: A Path to a New Synthesis// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Zinkina, Julia; Alekseenko, Oleg A. ; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Global Struggle for Suffrage Expansion: The European Case for Male Suffrage in the Nineteenth Century// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Global Studies in Modern Science// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Theories, Research & Teaching
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Globalistics: New Investigative Trends in Science// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Leonova, Olga
Globalization Political Processes in Their Dynamic and Development// Globalistics and globalization studies Big history & global history
Abylgaziev, I.; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Gabdullin, R.
Introduction to the History and Methodology of Global Studies// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Theories, Research & Teaching
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Herrmann, Peter; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. From the First Galaxies to the 2040s// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Introduction. Global Studies in Different Dimensions// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Aspects & Dimensions of Global Views
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. Globalization, Globalistics and Global Studies// Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Herrmann, Peter; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. How Global Can Be Global Future?// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Leonova, Olga
On ‘Non-Global’ Globalization and New Features of Political Globalization// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Current and Future Trends in the Big History Perspective
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Preface// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Current and Future Trends in the Big History Perspective
Andreev, Alexey I.; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Zinkina, Julia
The ‘Age’ of Globalization. How Old is the Global World?// Globalistics and globalization studies Big history & global history
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Bilyuga, S.; Malkov, Sergey
The Empirical Analysis of the Voting Results in the UN General Assembly// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Rozanov, A.
The Impact of Globalization on the Formation of the Global Political System// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Theories, Research & Teaching
Zinkina, Julia; Korotayev, Andrey; Ilyin, Ilya V.
The Nineteenth-Century Origins of the Global Secondary and Higher Education// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Zinkina, Julia; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Korotayev, Andrey
The Nineteenth-Century Urbanization Transition in the First World// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Alekseenko, Oleg A. ; Ilyin, Ilya V.
The Theory of High-Level Process Integration Research and Development of Global Communication Networks// Globalistics and globalization studies Global Transformations and Global Future.
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Vladimir Vernadsky's Contribution to the Origin of the Global Trend in Science// Globalistics and Globalization Studies Global Evolution, Historical Globalistics and Globalization Studies
List of Authors