K-Waves in Global Perspective
- Introduction. Kondratieff's Mystery
Modelski, George
Kondratieff (K-) Waves in the Modern World System -
Ternyik, Stephen I.
K-Periodicity, Space-Time Structures and World Economics -
Helenius, Anttiheikki
Waves on Waves – Long Waves on the Seven Seas
K-Waves in National Perspective
Berry, Brian J. L.; Dean, Denis J.
Long Wave Rhythms: A Pictorial Guide to 220 Years of U.S. History, with Forecasts -
Diebolt, Claude
Cliometrics of Economic Cycles in France
Global Crisis: A K-Wave Perspective
Devezas, Tessaleno C.
The Recent Crisis under the Light of the Long Wave Theory -
Husson, Michel; Louçã, Francisco
Late Capitalism and Neo-Liberalism – A Perspective on the Current Phase of the Long Wave of Capitalist Development
Problems and Forecasts
Thompson, William R.
Energy, K-Waves, Lead Economies, and Their Inter-pretation/Implications -
Perez, Carlota
Technological Revolutions and the Role of Government in Unleashing Golden Ages
Goldstone, Jack A.; Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. Research into Global Ageing and Its Consequences
I. Aspects of Political Demography
Coleman, David A.
Ethnic Transformation of European Societies by Immigration -
Coleman, David A. ; Rowthorn, Robert
Population Decline – Making the Best of Inevitable Destiny? -
Sakaev, Vasil T.
The Political Development of Russia in the 21st Century: Challenges of Demographic Factor and the Role of Educational System -
Korotayev, Andrey; Goldstone, Jack A.; Zinkina, Julia; Shulgin, Sergey G. ; Khaltourina, Daria A. ; Folomeyeva, Daria A.
Mathematical Modeling and Forecasting of the Demographic Future of Russia: Seven Scenarios
II. Facing Population Ageing
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Global Population Ageing, the Sixth Kondratieff Wave, and the Global Financial System -
Park, Donghyun; Kwanho Shin
Impact of Population Ageing on Asia's Future Growth -
Haas, Mark L.
Population Ageing and the Future of the Great Powers -
Goldstone, Jack A.
Population Ageing and Global Economic Growth -
Powell, Jason L.; Khan, Hafiz
Ageing in Post-Industrial Society: Trends and Trajecto-ries
III. Reviews and Notes
Goldstone, Jack A.
On Great Divergence, Great Convergence, Industrial Revolution, and California School
Aspects & Dimensions of Global Views
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Introduction. Global Studies in Different Dimensions
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Once More about Aspects, Directions, General Patterns and Principles of Evolutionary Development
Globalistics and globalization studies: Global Transformations and Global Future.
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Herrmann, Peter; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. How Global Can Be Global Future?
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Herrmann, Peter; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. From the First Galaxies to the 2040s
Universal Evolution
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Carneiro, Robert L.; Spier, Fred
Introduction. Evolutionary Megaparadigm: Potential, Problems, Perspectives -
Spier, Fred
How Big History Works: Energy Flows and the Rise and Demise of Complexity -
Carneiro, Robert L.
Stellar Evolution and Social Evolution: A Study in Parallel Processes
Analyses of the World Systems and Global Processes
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Herrmann, Peter
Introduction. History & Mathematics: Processes and Models of Global Dynamics -
Harper, Tony
The Trajectory of the World System over the Last 5000 Years -
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Niemeyer, Richard; Alvarez, Alexis; Inoue, Hiroko; Lawrence, Kirk; Love, James
Cycles of Rise and Fall, Upsweeps and Collapses: Changes in the scale of settlements and polities since the Bronze Age -
Tausch, Arno; Heshmati, Almas; Bajalan, Chemen S. J.
On the Multivariate Analysis of the "Lisbon Process"
I. Evolution and Understanding of Big History
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Rodrigue, Barry H.
Introduction -
Christian, David G.
The Evolution of Big History: A Short Introduction -
Spier, Fred
Big History Research: A First Outline -
Chaisson, Eric J.
Cosmic Evolution – More Than Big History by Another Name -
Mirkovic, Alexander
Big History and the End of History -
Rodrigue, Barry H.
The Evolution of Macro History in the United States -
Nazaretyan, Akop P.
Mega-Evolution and Big History
I. Globalization as an Evolutionary Process: Yesterday and Today
- Introduction. At the Junction of Theories and Paradigms
Modelski, George
Kondratieff Waves, Evolution and Globalization -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Globalization and the World System Evolution -
Korotayev, Andrey
Globalization and Mathematical Modeling of Global Evolution
I. Long-Term Trends in Nature and Society
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. Modeling and Measuring Cycles, Processes, and Trends -
Grinin, Leonid; Markov, Alexander V.; Korotayev, Andrey
Mathematical Modeling of Biological and Social Evolutionary Macrotrends -
Harper, Tony
The World System Trajectory: The Reality of Constraints and the Potential for Prediction -
Thompson, William R.; Kentaro Sakuwa
Another, Simpler Look: Was Wealth Really Determined in 8000 BCE, 1000 BCE, 0 CE, or Even 1500 CE?
Part I. Philosophy of globalization and methodology of global studies
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Global Knowledge Revolution -
Kiss, Endre
On the Philosophy of the Contemporary Globalization -
Chumakov, Alexander N.
An Insight from Globalistics Perspective: What Must We Do Confronted with Globalization? -
Schang, Fabien
Making Sense of History? Thinking about International Relations -
Kostina, Ksenia
Political Culture: The Features of Political Decision Making in the Context of Globalization
Theories, Research & Teaching
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Origins of Globalization -
Chase-Dunn, Christopher
Continuities and Transformations in the Evolution of World-System -
Harper, Tony
The Trajectory of the World System over the Last 5000 Years -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Global Technological Transformations -
Sagomonyan, A. A.
Spanish Issue in the Global Confrontation of the Great Powers on the Threshold of the Cold War
I. Universal Evolutionary Principles
Grinin, Leonid
Cosmic Evolution and Universal Evolutionary Principles -
LePoire, David
Potential Nested Accelerating Returns Logistic Growth in Big History -
Christian, David G.
Universal Darwinism and Human History -
Baker, David
Collective Learning as a Key Concept in Big History -
Benjamin, Craig
Collective Learning and the Silk Roads
Part I. Big History and Global History
Baker, David
The Darwinian Algorithm and a Possible Candidate for a ‘Unifying Theme’ of Big History -
Baskin, Ken
The Dynamics of Evolution: What Complexity Theory Suggests for Big History's Approach to Biological and Cultural Evolution -
Rodrigue, Barry H.
Retrofitting the Future -
Little, Daniel
Nation, Region, and Globe: Alternative Definitions of Place in World History -
Zinkina, Julia; Korotayev, Andrey; Andreev, Alexey I.
Mass Primary Education in the Nineteenth Century -
Zinkina, Julia; Korotayev, Andrey; Ilyin, Ilya V.
The Nineteenth-Century Origins of the Global Secondary and Higher Education -
Herrmann, Peter; Hong Fan; Rzepka Remi
Education in an International Setting -
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Andreev, Alexey I.
Global History and Future World Order
Grinin, Leonid; Devezas, Tessaleno C.; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. The Cyclical Dynamics as Associated with Economic Development
Grinin, Leonid
Сosmic Evolution and Universal Evolutionary Principles -
Panov, Alexander
Prebiological Panspermia and the Hypothesis of the Self-Consistent Galaxy Origin of Life -
Grinin, Leonid
A Brief History of the Early Solar System -
Grinin, Anton L.
Self-Regulation as a Global Evolutionary Mega-Trend -
Lempert, David
The Logic of Cultural Suicide and Application to Contemporary Global Strategies: Drawing from Models in Psychology and Biology -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Vladimir Vernadsky's Contribution to the Origin of the Global Trend in Science
Analyzing and Modeling Global Development
- Introduction. History and Mathematics
Grinin, Leonid
Periodization of History: A theoretic-mathematical analysis -
Korotayev, Andrey
The World System History Periodization and Mathematical Models of Socio-Historical Processes -
Tausch, Arno
Global Terrorism and World Political Cycles -
Nazaretyan, Akop P.
Violence and Non-Violence at Different. Stages of World History -
Burton, Michael L.; Romney, A.Kimball; Moore, Carmella C.
The Use of Cross-Cultural Research Methodology in the Study of Deep History -
Komarova, Natalia
Language and Mathematics: An evolutionary model of grammatical communication
Historical Dynamics and Development of Complex Societies
Turchin, Peter; Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
Introduction. Why Do We Need. Mathematical Models of Historical Processes -
Turchin, Peter
Scientific Prediction in Historical Sociology: Ibn Khaldun meets Al Saud -
Klüver, Jürgen
Logical and Explanative Characteristics of Evolutionary Theories -
Korotayev, Andrey
The World System Urbanization Dynamics: A quantitative analysis -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Political Development of the World System: A formal quantitative analysis -
Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
Urbanization and Political Development of the World System: A comparative quantitative analysis -
De Munck, Victor
Experiencing History Small: An analysis of political, economic and social change in a Sri Lankan village -
Spencer, Charles S.
Modeling (and Measuring) Expansionism and Resistance: State formation in Ancient Oaxaca, Mexico -
Malkov, Artemy
The Silk Roads: A mathematical model
Globalistics and Globalization Studies
Grinin, Leonid; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. Globalization, Globalistics and Global Studies
Globalistics and globalization studies. Big history & global history
Globalization Studies and Evolutionary Trends
Biological and Social forms of Evolution: Connections and Comparisons
Snooks, Graeme D.
Constructing a General Theory of Life: The Dynamics of Human and Non-human Systems -
Lekevičius, Edmundas
Ecological Darwinism or Preliminary Answers to Some Crucial though Seldom Asked Questions -
Reznikova, Zhanna
Evolutionary and Behavioural Aspects of Altruism in Animal Communities: Is There Room for Intelligence? -
Grinin, Leonid; Markov, Alexander V.; Korotayev, Andrey
Biological and Social Aromorphoses: A Comparison between Two Forms of Macroevolution
The Models of Economic and Demographic Processes
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Malkov, Sergey
A Mathematical Model of Juglar Cycles and the Current Global Crisis -
Golosovsky, Michael
Hyperbolic Growth of the Human Population of the Earth: Analysis of existing models -
Badalian, Lucy; Krivorotov, Victor
A Dynamic Model of Historical Economies
II. Big History's Trends and Phases
Kutter, G. Siegfried
Stars, Life and Society: Evolution in the Making -
Gehrels, Tom
The Chandra Multiverse -
Alvarez, Alexis; Montanari, Alessandro; Shimabukuro, David
Ex Libro Lapidum Historia Mundi: Reading History Written in Rocks -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Markov, Alexander V.
Biological and Social Phases of Big History: Similarities and Diversities of Evolution Principles and Mechanisms -
Hookes, David
The Evolution of Information Systems: From the Big Bang to the Era of Globalisation -
Panov, Alexander
Post-singular Evolution and Post-singular Civilizations
II. Society, Energy, and Future
Thompson, William R.
Energy, Kondratieff Waves, Lead Economies, and Their Evolutionary Implications -
LePoire, David
Potential Economic and Energy Indicators of Inflection in Complexity -
Voros, Joseph
Profiling ‘Threshold 9’: Using Big History as a Frame-Work for Thinking about the Contours of the Coming Global Future
II. Cyclical Processes in Pre-industrial Societies
Gavrilets, Sergey; Anderson, David G.; Turchin, Peter
Cycling in the Complexity of Early Societies -
Baker, David
Demographic-Structural Theory and the Roman Dominate -
Nefedov, Sergey
Modeling Malthusian Dynamics in Pre-industrial Societies: Mathematical Modeling
Part II. Global and regional relations and processes
Leonova, Olga
Soft Power as a State's Foreign Policy Resource -
Weiming Tu
Multiple Modernities: A Preliminary Inquiry into the Implications of the East Asian Modernity -
Kirchschlaeger, Peter
The Relation between Democracy and Human Rights -
Howell, Anthony
Is Geography ‘Dead’ or ‘Destiny’ in a Globalizing World? A Network Analysis and Latent Space Modeling Approach of the World Trade Network -
Hae Kim
Regionalism, Globalization and Economic Development of the World -
Faleye, Olukayode
Africa and International Relations Theory: Acquiescence and Responses
Thompson, William R.
The Lead Economy Sequence in World Politics (From Sung China to the United States): Selected Counterfactuals -
Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
Global Urbanization and Political Development of the World System -
Chase-Dunn, Christopher; Niemeyer, Richard; Alvarez, Alexis; Inoue, Hiroko; Lawrence, Kirk; Love, James
Global Cycles of Rise and Fall, Upsweeps and Collapses: Changes in the Scale of Settlements and Polities since the Bronze Age -
Shestova, Tatyana
Global History as a Trend of Global Studies
Juglar – Kuznets – Kondratieff
Grinin, Leonid; Devezas, Tessaleno C.; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. Cyclical Dynamics in Economics and Politics in the Past and in the Future
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Global Studies in Modern Science -
Leonova, Olga
Categories, Models and Forecast of the Global Confi guration -
Shestova, Tatyana
Methodological Foundations of Global History -
Drobot, G.
The Problem of Universal Values in World Politics -
Tausch, Arno
Global Terrorism and World Political Cycles -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Rozanov, A.
The Impact of Globalization on the Formation of the Global Political System -
Taran, Patrick A.
Globalization, Migration and Labour: Imperatives for a Rights Based Policy -
Aleshkovski, Ivan A.
Illegal Immigration as a Structural Factor of Global Development - Culture and the Sustainability of the Global System
Part I. Globalization and Global Processes
Modelski, George
Kondratieff Waves, Evolution, and Globalization -
Grinin, Anton L. ; Grinin, Leonid
The Cybernetic Revolution and Historical Process -
Bondarenko, Valentina
A Worldview Approach to the Developmental Problems of Russia and the World -
Aleshkovski, Ivan A.
International Migration Management in the Era of Globalization -
Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
Globalization, Revolutions, and Democracy -
Andreev, Alexey I.; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Zinkina, Julia
Approaches and Paradigms in Defining the Essence of Globalization -
Alekseenko, Oleg A.
BRICS: Prospects of Cooperation -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Leonova, Olga
Globalization Political Processes in Their Dynamic and Development
II. Biosocial Evolution, Ecological Aspects, and Consciousness
Korotayev, Andrey; Markov, Alexander V.; Grinin, Leonid
Modeling of Biological and Social Phases of Big History -
Panov, Alexander
Prebiological Panspermia and the Hypothesis of the Self-Consistent Galaxy Origin of Life -
Sorokina, Olga A.; Gorter, Rendt
Social Evolution of Humankind as an Integral Part of the Evolution of the Biosphere -
Tobias, Michael C.; Morrison, Jane Gray
The ‘Ahimsa Factor’: Ecological Non-Violence Process Analysis in China and Its Implications for Global Paradigmatic Shifts -
Ponomariov, Ilya V.
Situational Binding and Inner Speech: Cross-Sectional Evidences
Part II. Global Demography
Goldstone, Jack A.
Population Ageing and Global Economic Growth -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Global Population Ageing, the Sixth Kondratieff Wave, and the Global Financial System -
Korotayev, Andrey; Goldstone, Jack A.; Zinkina, Julia; Shulgin, Sergey G. ; Khaltourina, Daria A. ; Bykanova Daria
Mathematical Modeling and Forecasting of the Demographic Future of Russia: Seven Scenarios -
Aleshkovski, Ivan A.
International Migration and Globalization: Global Trends and Perspectives -
Farhi-Rodrig, Miriam
Global Migration: A Transnational Problem
I. Cyclical Dynamics and Theories
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Malkov, Sergey
The Mathematical Model of Juglar Cycles and the Current Global Crisis -
Tausch, Arno
Kaname Akamatsu. Biography and Long Cycles Theory -
Berry, Brian J. L.; Elliott, Euel
The Surprise that Transforms. An American Perspective on What the 2040s Might Bring -
Gallegati, Marco
Wavelet Estimation of Kondratieff Waves: An Applica-tion to Long Cycles in Prices and World GDP -
Norkus, Zenonas
On Global Social Mobility, or How Kondratieff Waves Change the Structure of the Capitalist World System
I. Dimensions, Trends, and Aspects
Baskin, Ken
The Dynamics of Evolution: What Complexity Theory Suggests for Big History's Approach to Biological and Cultural Evolution -
Ternyik, Stephen I.
Quantum Energetic Evolution -
Sorokina, Olga A.; Gorter, Rendt
Pathfinding: Macroecology as a Social Science -
Grinin, Leonid
Evolution of World Order
I. Historical and Technological Dimensions
Korotayev, Andrey; Berezkin, Yuri E.; Borinskaya, Svetlana A.; Davletshin, Albert I.; Khaltourina, Daria A.
Genes and Myths: Which Genes and Myths did the Different Waves of the Peopling of Americas Bring to the New World? -
Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
The Technological Activity and Competition in the Middle Ages and Modern History: A Quantitative Analysis
Harper, Tony
An Equation-Based Systems Approach to Modeling Punctuated Equilibria Apparent in the Macropattern of Urbanization over Time -
Grinin, Leonid
Investigation of the World System's Systemic Processes -
Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
The Technological Competition after the Twelfth Century: A Quantitative Analysis -
Zinkina, Julia; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Korotayev, Andrey
The Nineteenth-Century Urbanization Transition in the First World -
Zinkina, Julia; Andreev, Alexey I.; Mosakova, Elizaveta
The Nineteenth Century as the Cradle of Global Capital -
Zinkina, Julia; Korotayev, Andrey; Aleshkovskii, Ivan
The Demographic Transition in the First World: The Nineteenth Century -
Zinkina, Julia; Alekseenko, Oleg A. ; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Global Struggle for Suffrage Expansion: The European Case for Male Suffrage in the Nineteenth Century
Part II. Global History and Modernity
Christian, David G.
Swimming Upstream: Universal Darwinism and Human History -
Shestova, Tatyana
Eastern Europe within the Ancient World-Systems -
Benjamin, Craig
Big History, Collective Learning and the Silk Roads -
Tsirel Sergey V.
Classifications of Ways to Statehood and Democracy -
Thompson, William R.; Kentaro Sakuwa
Another, Simpler Look: Was Wealth Really Determined in 8000 BCE, 1000 BCE, 0 CE, or Even 1500 CE? -
Kaverin, Mikhail А.; Malkov, Sergey
The Elementary Structures of International Institutional Evolution -
Maslov, Vladimir
The Need for New Management -
Malkov, Sergey; Bilyuga, S.; Davydova, O.; Malkov, D.
Resistance to Socio-Political Instability as an Indicator of the Country's Successful Development -
Andreev, Alexey I.; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Zinkina, Julia
The ‘Age’ of Globalization. How Old is the Global World?
Cultural Dimensions
Aspects of Social Evoluton
Bondarenko, Dmitri M.; Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Social Evolution: Alternatives and Variations (Introduction) -
Chase-Dunn, Christopher
Evolution of Nested Networks in the Prehistoric U.S. Southwest: A Comparative World-Systems Approach -
Heylighen, Francis
Conceptions of a Global Brain: An Historical Review
III. Essays on Big History
Hughes, Nigel
The Change We Can Believe In: Ten Facts about the Evolution of the Earth-Life System and their Relevance to current Global Environmental Change -
Werkhoven, Jos
Once upon a Time… There was a Story to be Told… -
Gronek, Erika K. H.
And Then There Was You…: A Children's Story of Science and Emotion -
Metallo, Paula
Brain Stretching: Art and Big History -
Lawless, Gary
Big History, Bioregionalism and Geopoetics -
Quaedackers, Esther
A Little Big History of Tiananmen -
Saekow, Roland
From Concept to Reality: Developing a Zoomable timeline for Big History -
Tierney, James
Two Themes Inherent in Big History
III. Aspects of social development
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Macroevolution of Technology -
Harper, Tony
Global Volcanism as It Impacts the Integrity of the World System -
Corbally, Christopher, S.J.; Rappaport, M. B.
Crossing the Latest Line: The Evolution of Religious Thought as a Component of Human Sentience -
Robinson, Neil
‘Natural’ States and the Development of Democracy
III. Contemporary History and Processes
Korotayev, Andrey; Malkov, Sergey; Grinin, Leonid
A Trap at the Escape from the Trap? Some Demographic Structural Factors of Political Instability in Modernizing Social Systems -
Tausch, Arno; Heshmati, Almas
Labour Migration and ‘Smart Public Health -
Howell, Anthony
Is Geography ‘Dead’ or ‘Destiny’ in a Globalizing World? A Network Analysis and Latent Space Modeling Approach of the World Trade Network -
Crawford, Kent R.; Mitiukov, Nicholas W.
The British-Italian Performance in the Mediterranean from the Artillery Perspective -
Shishkina, Alisa R.; Issaev, Leonid M.; Truevtsev, Konstantin M.; Korotayev, Andrey
The Shield of Islam? Islamic Factor of HIV Prevalence in Africa
Part III. Global trends and perspectives
Korotayev, Andrey; De Munck, Victor
Advances in Development Reverse Global Inequality Trends -
Grinin, Leonid
The Tiger and the Dragon. Development Models and Perspectives of India and China -
Sevim, Tuğçe
Energy Impact of Coming Eurasian Union and Relations between Russia and Turkey -
Powell, Jason L.; Khan, Hafiz
Ageing and Globalization: A Global Analysis -
Bondarenko, Valentina
The Main Trends of the Global Dynamics and the Future of the World Development
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Globalistics: New Investigative Trends in Science -
Chumakov, Alexander N.
Social Aspects of Globalization (From a Globalistics Viewpoint) -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ivanov, A.
Global Processes, Systems and Problems through Globalistics Lens: A Path to a New Synthesis -
Dreher, A.; Gaston, Noel; Martens, Pim; Van Boxem, Lotte
Measuring Globalization – Opening the Black Box. A Critical Analysis of Globalization Indices -
Korotayev, Andrey
Globalization and Mathematical Modeling of Global Development -
Golosovsky, Michael
Hyperbolic Growth of the Human Population of the Earth: Analysis of Existing Models -
Malkov, Sergey
The Logic of World Development -
Ursul, Arkadi A.; Ilyin, Ilya V.
Global Evolutionism: Theoretical and Methodological Problems
I. The System of Cycles
Jourdon, Philippe
From Kuznets Theory to a New Global Governance, Using a Mathematical Concept of Relations between Wealth-Creating Kuznets Cycles and a Kondratieff-Inspired System of Management -
Bernard, Lucas ; Gevorkyan, Aleksandr ; Palley, Thomas ; Semmler, Willi
Long-Wave Economic Cycles: The Contributions of Kondratieff, Kuznets, Schumpeter, Kalecki, Goodwin, Kaldor, and Minsky
Coicaud, J.
Refl ections on Some of the Challenges of Global Affairs as an Academic Field -
Kulnazarova, A.
Teaching Human Rights in Global Perspectives: A Shared View and Experience from the School of Global Studies -
Bausch, Ken; McIntyre-Mills, Janet; Made, Tony; Mackenzie, Kelly; Morse, Charles; Underwood, Gayle
Striving for Sustainable Global Democracy Through a Group Decision-Making Process: A Critical Review of an Online Course to Model Transformative Praxi -
Abylgaziev, I.; Ilyin, Ilya V.; Gabdullin, R.
Introduction to the History and Methodology of Global Studies -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Gabdullin, R.; Ivanov, A.
Global Processes and Systems -
Chumakov, Alexander N.
Studying of Globalization: Step by Step -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Political Globalistics - University of Graz and Other Eighteen Universities' Curricula for Global Studies: Comparisons and Improvements
- University of Leipzig
- Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University)
- Lomonosov Moscow State University: Faculty of Global Studies
- Shanghai University: The Postgraduate Program of Global Studies
- Contributors to the volume
Part III. Big History Perspective
Christian, David G.
The Evolution of Big History: A Short Introduction -
Gustafson, Lowell
From Particles to Politics -
Grinin, Leonid
The Star-Galaxy Era of Big History in the Light of Universal Evolutionary Principles -
Baker, David
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: Collective Learning as a Key Concept in Big History -
Korotayev, Andrey; Markov, Alexander V.
Mathematical Modeling of Biological and Social Phases of Big History -
Voros, Joseph
Galactic-Scale Macro-еngineering: Looking for Signs of Other Intelligent Species, as an Exercise in Hope for Our Own -
Panov, Alexander
Post-singular Evolution and Post-singular Civilizations
III. Projects for the Future
Bondarenko, Valentina
Governing the Time Will Govern Development – or, ‛Territory of Faster Development: Everything for People’ Megaproject Realization Proposals -
Vasilenko, Vasily N.
The Noospheric Concept of Evolution, Globalization and Big History -
Grinin, Anton L. ; Grinin, Leonid
Cybernetic Revolution and Forthcoming Technological Transformations (The Development of the Leading Technologies in the Light of the Theory of Production Revolutions) - In Memoriam
Part III. Aspects of Globalization and International Politics
Smit, Paul А.
Transnational Labour Relations in SADC: Regional Integration or Regional Globalisation? -
Kiss, Endre
Constructivity and Destructivity in the Globalization, as a Background of the Problematic of Peace -
Bilyuga, S.; Shishkina, Alisa R.; Zinkina, Julia; Korotayev, Andrey
Global Correlation between GDP Per Capita and the Level of Sociopolitical Destabilization between 1960 and 2014: A Preliminary Quantitative Analysis -
Kornienko, Olga
Social and Economic Background of Blending -
Alekseenko, Oleg A. ; Ilyin, Ilya V.
The Theory of High-Level Process Integration Research and Development of Global Communication Networks -
Lenger, Alexander; Schumacher, Florian
The Social Functions of Sport: A Theoretical Approach to the Interplay of Emerging Powers, National Identity, and Global Sport Events -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Bilyuga, S.; Malkov, Sergey
The Empirical Analysis of the Voting Results in the UN General Assembly -
Leonova, Olga
Interpretation of the ‘Soft Power’ Concept in the Russian Political Science -
Kolesnichenko, Olga; Rozanov, A.; Debin, Liu
The Role of BRICS in Global Politics
II. From My Perspective
Bondarenko, Valentina
Providing the Balance of Technological and Social Changes in Real-Time Regime Plus the Economic Growth -
Ternyik, Stephen I.
Geonomics, Energetics and the K-Paradox: A Sustainable Point of View
II. Big History's Manifestations
Gilbert, K
The Universal Breakthroughs of Big History: Developing a Unified Theory -
Benjamin, Craig
Big History and Liberal Education in the Undergraduate Classroom -
Gelis-Filho, Antonio
Brazil in the World-System between 1989 and 2016: The Rise and Fall of a Semi-Peripheral Dream
II. Economic and Cultural Dimensions
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Inflationary and Deflationary Trends in the Global Economy, or Expansion of ‘the Japanese Disease’ -
Tausch, Arno
Towards New Maps of Global Human Values, Based on World Values Survey (6) Data
Waters, Ryan; Blad, Cory
In the Land of Whose People? Inequality, Neoliberalism, and Shifting Nationalisms in Israel -
Endong, Floribert Patrick
LGBT Rights Movement in Africa and the Myth of the Whiteman's Superiority
IV. The driving forces and patterns of evolution
Baker, David
10^500. The Darwinian Algorithm and a Possible Candidate for a ‘Unifying Theme’ of Big History -
Skladnev, Dmitry A.; Klykov, Sergey P.; Kurakov, Vladimir V.
Complication of Animal Genomes in the Course of the Evolution Slowed Down after the Cambrian Explosion -
Saniotis, Arthur; Henneberg, Maciej; Kumaratilake, Jaliya
An Evolutionary and Anthropological Examination of Brain/Mind and Novelty
Part IV. Teaching global studies
Ahamer, Gilbert
Multi-Disciplinary Didactics for Curricula of ‘Global Studies’ -
Sheffield, Jim
Local Solutions in a Global Environment: Facilitating National Strategies in New Zealand -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.
Evolutionary Globalistics -
Ruettimann, Bruno
Economic Globalization: The Five Basic Globalization Types -
Manning, Patrick
Interdisciplinary Methodology: A Graduate-Level Course in Global Studies -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Baker, David
Beyond Global Studies. The Introductory Lecture to Big History Course - Section 2. Global Studies Curricula and Syllabi around the World
Collins, Randall
Geopolitical Conditions of Internationalism, Human Rights, and World Law -
Grinin, Leonid
State Sovereignty in the Age of Globalization: Will it Survive? -
Gay, William C.
Globalization, the Problem of War, and Normative Issues -
Korotayev, Andrey; Zinkina, Julia; Bogevolnov, Justislav; Malkov, Artemy
Global Unconditional Convergence among Larger Economies after 1998? -
Rozanov, A.
Combating International Terrorism in the Context of Globalization -
Leonova, Olga
New Geopolitical Trends in the Globalized World -
Chumakov, Alexander N.
Culture in the Global World: Between Dialogue and Conflict -
Drobot, G.
The Issue of Global Governance in the Context of International Relations The-ory -
Klimenko, Vladimir V.; Tereshin, Alexey G.
World Energy and Climate in the Twenty-First Century in the Context of Historical Trends: Clear Constraints to the Future Growth
II. Long Cycles: Economic and Political Aspects
Thompson, William R.
K-Waves, Technological Clustering, and Some of Its Implications -
Berry, Brian J. L.; Dean, Denis J.
Long Waves in American Politics. Part One: Takeoff Presidencies -
Elliott, Euel; Berry, Brian J. L.
Long Waves in American Politics. Part Two: The Obama Question -
Van Vossole, J
Long Waves of Political Contestation -
Herrmann, Peter
Indicators – More than Evidence and Maths -
Ternyik, Stephen I.
World System Energetics
Part IV. Energy and Climate
Thompson, William R.
Energy, Kondratieff Waves, Lead Economies, and Their Evolutionary Implications -
Sayamov, Yury
Strategic Stability and the Role of the Global Energy Sphere -
Khan, Mohammad Mohabbat; Islam, Md. S.
Climate Change Adaptation in Developing Countries: Does Globalization Act as a Facilitator? -
Klimenko, Vladimir V.; Tereshin, Alexey G.
Shale Gas: An Energy Miracle or a Climate Disaster?
III. Kondratieff Medal: Winners' Speeches
Mączyńska, Elżbieta
Kondratieff – Ethos – Economics -
Thompson, William R.
Revising a Long-term Perspective on Kondratieff Phenomena -
Nefiodow, Leo
The Sixth Kondratieff – The New Long Wave of the Global Economy
III. Trends and Forecasts
Grinin, Anton L.
Self-Regulation as a Global Evolutionary Mega-Trend -
Hookes, David
Science-Based Global Enlightenment in the Quantum-Digital Age (or How to Prevent the Earth from Becoming a Dead Planet) -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Global Population Ageing, the Sixth Kondratieff Wave, and the Global Financial System
III. Modeling and Theories
Harper, Tony
An Equation-Based Systems Approach to Modeling Punctuated Equilibria Apparent in the Macropattern of Urbanization over Time -
Panov, Alexander
Dynamical Generalizations of the Drake Equation: The Linear and Non-linear Theories
Linke, Michael
Connecting Logistics Networks Globally Via the UN Single Window Concept -
Ivanov, Dmitry
New Forms of Inequality and Structures of Glam-Capitalism -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
The Inflationary and Deflationary Trends in the Global Economy, or ‘the Japanese Disease’ is Spreading -
Frey, R. Scott; Cui, Wanjun
Infant Mortality in the World-System -
Reuveny, Rafael
Illegal Immigrants in High Income Countries and Politically Autonomous Units: Recent Estimated Stocks by Country and Unit -
Kemp, Peter
Creating the Human Community -
Kochurov, Nikolay V.; Leonova, Olga
Contemporary Russian and Foreign Science on the Twenty-First Century Tendencies in Globalization: A Brief Introduction -
Kurtz, Donald V.; Fustes, Manuel
The Politics of Global Warming: Sciemocracy and the Rescue of the Kobayashi Maru -
Herrmann, Peter
Potentials for Taking a Strategic Role for Sustainable Sociability -
Bondarenko, Valentina
Digital Economy: Formation, Development and Implementation -
Berry, Brian J. L.; Elliott, Euel
The Surprise that Transforms. An American Perspective on What the 2040s Might Bring
Historical and Theoretical Aspects
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. Long-Wave Dynamics Research in Historical and Theoretical Aspects
Discussion. Evolution: pro et contra
Sandstrom, Gregory
Peace for Evolution's Puzzle: The Arrival of Human Extension -
Claessen, Henri J. M.
A New Theory or a New Ideology? Reply to Gregory Sandstrom
Eisenstadt, Shmuel N.
Contemporary Globalization and New Civilizational Formations -
Robertson, Roland
The ‘Return’ of Religion and the Conflicted Condition of World Order -
Laszlo, Ervin
Global Bifurcation: The Decision Window -
Bondarenko, Valentina
Global Processes and Their Dynamics: Two Paradigms of Development -
Grinin, Leonid
The Leadership in the Future Global World or Chinese Joker in the World Pack -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
The Coming Epoch of New Coalitions: Possible Global Scenarios
III. The Sixth Wave and Future of Technologies
Nefiodow, Leo
The Sixth Kondratieff. The Growth Engine of the 21st Century -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
The Sixth Kondratieff Wave and the Cybernetic Revolution
Part V. Future and Forecasts
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
The Sixth Kondratieff Wave and the Cybernetic Revolution -
Bondarenko, Valentina
Providing the Balance of Technological and Social Changes in Real-Time Regime Plus the Economic Growth -
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Ursul, Arkadi A.; Ursul, Tatyana; Dugarova, Midegue
From Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals
IV. Reviews and Notes
Harper, Tony
Review of L. E. Grinin, A. V. Korotayev ‘Great Divergence and Great Convergence: A Global Perspective’, Springer International Publishing; 2015
IV. Reviews and Information
Harper, Tony
Review of Leonid Grinin and Andrey Korotayev's ‘Great Divergence and Great Convergence: A Global Perspective’, Springer International Publishing, 2015 -
Richerson, Peter J.; Brewer, Joe
Inaugural Meeting of the Cultural Evolution Society
IV. Reviews and Notes
Harper, Tony
Leonid E. Grinin and Andrey V. Korotayev's ‘Great Divergence and Great Convergence: A Global Perspective’, Springer International Publishing, 2015
I. Patterns of Big History
Chaisson, Eric J.
Big History Trends and Patterns -
LePoire, David
Potential Nested Accelerating Returns Logistic Growth in Big History -
Harper, Tony
A Toy Model Mechanism for Greater-Than-Exponential Human Population Growth
II. Hypotheses of Deep Big History
Baker, David
10500. The Darwinian Algorithm and a Possible Candidate for a ‘Unifying Theme’ of Big History -
Gehrels, Tom
The Chandra Multiverse -
Grinin, Leonid
Was There a Big Bang?
III. Biological Aspects
Lekevičius, Edmundas
Ecological Darwinism or Preliminary Answers to Some Crucial though Seldom Asked Questions -
Markov, Alexander V.; Valery A. Anisimov; Korotayev, Andrey
Relationship Between Genome Size and Organismal Complexity in the Lineage Leading from Prokaryotes to Mammals
IV. History and Future of Social Systems
Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
A Mathematical Model of Influence of the Interaction between Civilization Center and Barbarian Periphery on the World System Development -
Thompson, William R.
Energy, Kondratieff Waves, Lead Economies, and Their Evolutionary Implications -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Technological Dimension of Big History and the Cybernetic Revolution -
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Global Society as Singularity and the Point of Transi- tion to the New Phase of Social Evolution -
Harper, Tony
The Punctuated Equilibrium Macropattern of World System Urbanization and the Factors that Give Rise to that Macropattern
The Spectrum of Opinions
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. The Heritage of N. D. Kondratieff in the Context of Modern Problems of the World Economy
I. Long Waves in the Context of World Economy and Politics
Berry, Brian J. L.; Dean, Denis J.; Elliott, Euel
Jihadism on the Long-Wave Clock -
Komlosy, Andrea
Crises, Long Waves and World-System Analysis -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
The Inflationary and Deflationary Trends in the Global Economy in the Light of the Long Cycles' Theory -
Ternyik, Stephen I.
The Supreme Kondratieff: Exponentiality, Teleology and the DNA of Economic History (The Future Balance of Wealth and Health) -
Grinin, Leonid
Kondratieff Waves, Technological Modes, and the Theory of Production Revolutions
Evolutionary Trends, Aspects, and Patterns
I. Big History's Phases and Long-Term Trends
LePoire, David
Expansion and Integration Phases in the Major Stages of Big History -
Last, Cadell
Symbolic Orders and the Structure of Universal Internalization
Collado-Ruano, Javier
Co-evolution in Big History: A Transdisciplinary and Biomimetic Approach to the Sustainable Development Goals -
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Global Society as Singularity and Point of Transition to the New Phase of Social Evolution -
Baskin, Ken
Religion as the Ultimate Human Evolutionary Survival Strategy -
Hookes, David
The Need for the Second Solar-Digital Revolution: Advice and Warning from a Friendly, Alien Civilization
Investigating Past and Future
I. History, Technologies, Politics, and Mathematics
Harper, Tony
A Quantitative Analysis of Reign Lengths of Pre- and Post-Taifa Periods and Taifa Kingdom Durations During the Existence of Al Andalus -
Grinin, Leonid
Kondratieff Waves, Technological Modes, and the Theory of Production Revolutions -
Diebolt, Claude; Pellier, Karine
Patents in the Long Run: Theory, History, and Statistics -
Wajzer, Mateusz
Political Violence and Evolutionary Game Theory: A Methodological Introduction -
Kobzeva, Svetlana V.
Digitalization of Global Governance in NBIC-Convergence Era
Evolutionary Aspects: Stars, Primates, and Religion
I. Megaevolution and Cosmic Evolution
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Megaevolution and Its Main and Transitional Phases -
Grinin, Leonid
The Star-Galaxy Era and Universal Evolution
I. Theoretical Aspects
Komlosy, Andrea
Entanglements of Catching-up: Rethinking ‘Industrial Revolution’ from a Global Perspective -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
The Dynamics of Kondratieff Waves in the Light of the Theory of Production Revolutions
II. Historical Aspects
Berry, Brian J. L.
Seven Long Waves in America's History -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L. ; Korotayev, Andrey
On Some Aspects of the History of Long-Wave Dynamics Research -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L. ; Korotayev, Andrey
The Technological Activity and Competition in the Middle Ages and Modern History: A Quantitative Analysis.
III. Reviews, Notes, and Reflections
Harper, Tony
A Review of L. E. Grinin, A. V. Korotayev, and Arno Tausch ‘Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy’, Springer international Publishing; 2019 -
Diebolt, Claude
Trend, Cycles and Chance
Current and Future Trends in the Big History Perspective
Widdowson, Marc
Societal Impacts of Covid-19: Lessons from History for the Global Ecumene -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
How Can Covid-19 Change Geopolitics and Economy? -
Komlosy, Andrea
Crises, Long Waves, and World-System Analysis -
Kiss, Endre
The Present Dialogue between Nature and Society or the Mutuality of Nature Preservation and Society Protection -
Cupic, Tijana
Women and Drug Trafficking – Women Empowerment in an Illicit Business? -
Alalykin-Izvekov, Vladimir N.
Pestilence as a Phenomenon: Past, Present, and Future -
LePoire, David
Preparing for the 21st Century Existential Risks -
Aleshkovskii, Ivan; Bondarenko, Valentina
Towards a New Paradigm of Global Development
Ilyin, Ilya V.; Leonova, Olga
On ‘Non-Global’ Globalization and New Features of Political Globalization -
Grinin, Leonid
Islamism and Globalization -
Vitorovic, Zoran; Santacroce, Luigi; Secibovic, Marijana; Gorokhov, Andrei
Science Diplomacy: Science for Diplomacy, Diplomacy for Science -
Espinoza Martínez, Kleidy Yanira
The US Methods and Goals to Destabilize Venezuela -
Widdowson, Marc
Fission, Fusion and Quantisation in Global Political Evolution -
Korotayev, Andrey; Zinkina, Julia; Slinko, Elena ; Meshcherina, Kira
Human Values and Modernization: A Global Analysis -
Kornienko, Olga
Cultural Identity and Sexual Tolerance -
Melokumov, Evgeny V.
Peacemaking in Sobornost’: The Experience of the Russian People in the Great Patriotic War and the World Peace or Common Deed International Relations with the Principle of Equal Economic Security in the 21st Century -
Althonayan, Abraham; Tarasova, Elizaveta E.; Isaenko, Elena V.
The Role of Higher Educational Institutions in the Implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) -
Ahamer, Gilbert
Transnational Quality Criteria for “Global Studies” Curricula
LePoire, David
Exploring Time Patterns in Big History -
Grinchenko, Sergey N.
Ontogenesis of the Information Society and Phylogenesis of the Informational Personality in the Light of Cybernetics -
Carbonell, Eudald; Hortolà, Policarp
From Past Unaware Hominisation to Future Conscious Humanisation: Social Evolution in Perspective and Prospective -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Big History and the Cybernetic Revolution: The Technological Dimension -
Korotayev, Andrey; LePoire, David
The Singularity in Big History -
Widdowson, Marc
Can Humanity Escape the Earth? -
Grinin, Anton L. ; Grinin, Leonid
Are We on the Threshold of Cyborgization?
Historical and Technological Dynamics: Factors, Cycles, and Trends
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. On the Forms, Patterns and Modes of Evolutionary Development
I. Long-term Dynamics Factors
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L. ; Korotayev, Andrey
Technological Dynamics since 40,000 BP to the 22nd Century -
LePoire, David
Long-term Dynamics of Ruling Structures in the West, China, and Russia
II. Political Cyclicity and Trends
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Simple Bifactorial Model of Structural Cycles Applied to Russian History -
Widdowson, Marc
Global Fear and Long Range Political Cycles: A Mathematical Model -
Korotayev, Andrey
Political Centralization and Communal Complexity in Cross-Cultural and Historical Perspective
III. Technological Dynamics and Phases
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
The Dynamics of Kondratieff Waves in the Light of the Theory of Production Revolutions -
Widdowson, Marc
From Covid-19 to Zero-Gravity: Complex Crises and Production Revolutions
Trajectories of Social Evolution
Panov, Alexander; LePoire, David ; Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
Introduction. Evolution and Singularity
I. Political Aspects of Social Evolution
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
The Two-Factor Model of the Society's Life Span for an Attempt to Reconcile Evolutionary Contradictions -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Alternatives of Social Evolution at the Societal Level of Medium Complexity: Chiefdoms and Their Analogues -
Grinin, Leonid
Complex Chiefdoms vs Early States: The Evolutionary Perspective
II. Contemporary Level of Evolution and Its Future Projections
Widdowson, Marc
From Covid-19 to Zero-Gravity: Complex Crises and Production Revolutions -
Lempert, David
The Logic of Cultural Suicide and Application to Con- temporary Global Strategies: Drawing from Models in Psychology and Biology -
Grinin, Anton L. ; Grinin, Leonid
Cyborgization: To Be or not to Be?
III. Singularity as Trend and the Future
LePoire, David
A Potential Simple Analogous Heat Flow System to Explore Big History's Singularity Trend -
Faixat, José Díez
Non-Dual Singularity -
Tsirel Sergey V.
Technological Achievements of the Future as the Path of Destruction of Habitual Human Society -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L. ; Korotayev, Andrey
The Cybernetic Revolution and Singularity
Processes, Cycles, Triggers, and Technological Paradigms
I. Processes and Cycles
LePoire, David
Long-Term Dynamics of Ruling Structures in the West, China, and Russia -
Lewis, Edward
The Paradigm Shift Cycle as the Cause of the Kondratieff Wave -
Widdowson, Marc
Discovery Processes and the Kondratieff Cycle: Mathematical Principles -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L. ; Korotayev, Andrey
Does Covid-19 Accelerate the Cybernetic Revolution and Transition from E-Government to E-State?
II. Kondratieff Medal 2020: Winners' Speeches
Toshchenko, Zhan T.
The Society of Trauma as the Third Modality of Social Development (Experience of Interdisciplinary Research). Gold medal -
Smirnov, Fedor A.
Building a Multidisciplinary Discourse – the Way to the High-Technology Future of the Planet. Silver medal -
Yakovets, Tatyana Yu.
Prospects for Overcoming the Socio-Demographic Crisis Based on the Social Doctrine of Russia. Bronze medal -
Bilyuga, S.
Mathematical Modeling of Socio-Political Destabilization of the States in the Context of Globalization. Commemorative medal for young researchers -
Kudryavtsev, Konstantin A.
Antimonopoly Regulation System as a Driver for Ensuring the Economic Security of Russia's Product Markets. Commemorative medal for young researchers -
Treyman, Marina G.
Improvement of the Innovative Approaches to the Development of Environmental, Economic, Social, and Logistics Systems. Commemorative medal for young researchers
III. Essays and Reviews
Grinin, Leonid
The Concept of Technological Modes/Paradigms: Introduction -
Grinin, Leonid
The First Technological Paradigm -
Grinin, Leonid
The Second Technological Paradigm -
Grinin, Leonid
The Third Technological Paradigm -
Lawson, George
Revolutions in the Contemporary World
Entropy and Destabilization
I. Historical Aspects
Harper, Tony
An Investigation of the Relationships between Empirical Trends in Both Entropy and Maximum Urban Area Size Over the Last 5,000 Years
II. Social and Cultural Aspects
Tausch, Arno
From the Periphery to the Center of Global Knowledge Production? A Bibliometric Analysis of the Evolution of a Social Science Community from a Small Country: Austria -
Papakonstantinidis, Leonidas A.; Ternyik, Stephen I.
Empathy and Conflict Strategy: An Inquiry into T. Schelling's ‘The Strategy of Conflict’
III. Factors of Destabilization
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Revolutionary Process of the 20th Century: A Quantitative Analysis -
Korotayev, Andrey; Khokhlova, Alina A.
Sociopolitical Destabilization Dimensions in Comparative Global and Regional Perspective -
Grinin, Leonid; Malyzhenkov, Sergey V.; Bilyuga, S.; Korotayev, Andrey
Students and Sociopolitical Destabilization: A Quantitative Analysis
IV. Reviews and Notes
- Revolutions in the Contemporary World. A Review of ‘Handbook of New Waves of Revolutions in the 21st Century: The New Waves of Revolutions, and the Causes and Effects of Disruptive Political Change’ by Jack Goldstone, Leonid Grinin, and Andrey Korotayev
Complexity in Nature, Society, and Cognition
LePoire, David ; Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Introduction. Complexity as a Pivotal Process of Big History and Evolution
I. Complexity in Evolution
LePoire, David
Tickling the Dragon’s Tail of Complexity: How Complexity Might Develop after an Inflection Point of a Singularity Trend -
Grinin, Leonid
Chemical Evolution in Big History -
Grinin, Anton L.
Viruses and Evolution: The Role of Viruses in Big History
II. Social Evolution
III. Civilizations and Ideology
Harper, Tony
The Pattern of Agrarian Civilization Survivorship and Its Consequences -
Kuijper, Hans
The Foundation of Chinese Systems Thinking -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
The Reflection on Historical Materialism: Does the Concept Have a Future? -
Tsirel Sergey V.
Revolutionary Ideologies. Revolution and Religious Reformation
IV. Reviews and Essays
Kondratieff's Theoretical Legacy: Perspectives from Modern Times
II. Kondratieff Medal: Winners' Speeches
Phillips, Fred
Multiplicity and Divergence Challenge the Social Sciences (Gold medal) -
Berry, Brian J. L.
From Patterns in Space to Rhythms in Time: A Personal Odyssey (Silver medal) -
Fraihat, Ibrahim
A Journey of Knowledge: When Theory, Research, and Practice Met, I Became Who I Am (Bronze medal) -
Bondarenko, Valentina
The Intellectual Potential of a New Methodological Approach to the Cognition of the Future and Formation of the Strategy for Its Achievement (Gold medal) -
Minakir, Pavel A.
Crisis: Economic or Institutional? (Gold medal) -
Nusratullin, Vil K.
The Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the New Scientific Paradigm for Solving the Social and Economic Problems of Modernity (Silver medal) -
Dudin, Mikhail N.
Strategic Management of Sustainable Development of Business Entities, Taking into Account the Kondratieff – Schumpeter Cycles (in Terms of the Wave Nature of the Innovative Economy) (Bronze medal) -
Rumyantseva, Svetlana Yu.
Long Waves and Other Economic Cycles: Navigation Prospects (Bronze medal) -
Grinin, Anton L.
The Possibilities of the Kondratieff Long Wave Theory in Forecasting of a New Technological Revolution (Commemorative medal) -
Arkhipova, Violetta V.
The Effects of World Capital Flows: Genesis and Distribution of Crisis Processes (Commemorative medal) -
Komarevtseva, Olga O.
On Some Directions for the Development of the Russian Economy (Commemorative medal) -
Malakhova, Tatiana
The Transformation of the World Economy in the Context of Global Instability (Commemorative medal) -
Kozlov, Andrey E.
Forecasting of the Enterprise's Social and Economic Potential (Commemorative medal)
II. Cosmic Evolution
Grinin, Leonid
Was There a Big Bang? -
Novoseltsev, Dmitry A.
The Catalysis Project: On the Possibility of Purposeful Expansion of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy -
Grinin, Leonid
Evolution of the Early Solar System in Terms of Big History and Global Evolution
Grinin, Leonid
Revolutions and Historical Process -
Korotayev, Andrey; Grinin, Leonid
The Technological Activity and Competition in the Middle Ages and Modern History: A Quantitative Analysis -
Berdan, Frances F.
Late Postclassic Mesoamerican Trade Networks and Imperial Expansion -
Smith, Michael E.
Bounding Empires and Political/Military Networks with Archaeological Data -
Grinin, Leonid
The Processes of Systemic Integration in the World System -
Korotayev, Andrey; Zinkina, Julia
Systemic Boundary Issues in the Light of Mathematical Modeling of World-System Evolution -
Gil-Osle, Juan Pablo
Early Modern Globalized World: Gifts, Trifles, and Friendship
II. Singularity
LePoire, David
A Potential Simple Analogous Heat Flow System to Explore Big History's Singularity Trend -
Tsirel Sergey V.
Technological Achievements of the Future as the Path of Destruction of Habitual Human Society?
II. Biosocial and Social Evolution
Butovskaya, Marina L.; Korotayev, Andrey; Kazankov, Alexander A.
Dominance Styles and Variability of Social Relationships in Non-Human and Human Primates -
Carbonell, Eudald; Hortolà, Policarp
From Past Unaware Hominization to Future Conscious Humanization: Social Evolution in Retrospect and Prospect -
Grinin, Leonid
The World System since the Bronze Age: Systemic Integration and Divergence-Convergence Cycles -
Szocik, Konrad
What is Right and What is Wrong in the Darwinian Approach to the Study of Religion
I. N. D. Kondratieff's Biography, Creativity, and Heritage
Bondarenko, Valentina
N. D. Kondratieff's Legacy and the Role of His Views in Analyzing Modern Economic Problems and Trends -
Sergey L. Komlev
Afterword to the Interview That Took Place More Than Thirty Years Ago -
Nataliya A. Makasheva
When History Invades Science: To the 130th Anniversary of N. D. Kondratieff's Birth -
Еlena А. Tyurina
To the History of N. D. Kondratieff's Private Collection in the Russian State Archive of Economics -
Аlexander I. Ageyev
Nikolai Kondratieff: In the Millstones of History -
Grinin, Leonid; Devezas, Tessaleno C.; Korotayev, Andrey
Kondratieff’s Mystery
III. Reviews and Notes
Harper, Tony
Clarity in the Face of Immense World-System Comp-lexity and Crisis. Review of L. E. Grinin, A. V. Korota-yev, and Arno Tausch ‘Economic Cycles, Crises, and the Global Periphery’, Springer International Publishing; 2016 - Contributors
- Guidelines
III. The Aspects of Socio-Cultural and Political Evolution
Skarzynski, Ryszard; Wajzer, Mateusz; Staniucha, Tymoteusz
Mind and Vision: Social Evolution and the Origins of the Political -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Chiefdoms: From Archaic Polities to Modern Terrorist Organizations -
Spooner, Brian
What does Big History Do for the Study of Religion? -
Baskin, Ken
Religion as the Ultimate Human Evolutionary Survival Strategy -
Gelis-Filho, Antonio
Geoculture: Missing in Action
Berry, Brian J. L.; Dean, Denis J.
Long Waves in American Politics. Takeoff Presidencies -
Harper, Tony
A Toy Model Mechanism for Greater-Than-Exponential Human Population Growth -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey
Chiefdoms: Yesterday and Today -
Ranalli, Brent
A New Model of Human Cultural History Centered on ‘Modes of Relating’
III. Beyond the Earth
Widdowson, Marc
Can Humanity Escape the Earth? -
Novoseltsev, Dmitry A.
The Catalysis Project: On the Possibility of Purposeful Expansion of Intelligent Life in the Galaxy
III. Reviews and Notes
Harper, Tony
A Review of Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev, and Arno Tausch's ‘Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy’, Springer International Publishing, 2019 -
Grinin, Leonid; Korotayev, Andrey; Baker, David
Beyond Global Studies. An Introductory Lecture into a Big History Course - Guidelines for Contributors
II. Technology and Economy
Аlexander E. Aivazov; Vladimir A. Belikov
A. Toffler's Civilization Waves and Cycles of Economic Development -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L. ; Korotayev, Andrey
The Sixth K-Wave in the Light of Cybernetic Revolution, and Global Aging -
Korotayev, Andrey; Bilyuga, S.; Shishkina, Alisa R.
Which Countries Generate Kondratieff Waves in Global GDP Growth Rate Dynamics in the Contemporary World?
IV. Looking from the Past into the Future
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Technological Dimension of Big History and the Cybernetic Revolution -
Dobrolyubov, Sergey V.
Global Society as Singularity and Point of Transition to the New Phase of Social Evolution -
Hookes, David
The Need for the Second Solar-Digital Revolution: Advice and Warning from a Friendly, Alien Civilisation -
Butler-Hookes, Johanna
Agroecology vs Agribusiness in the Solar- Digital Age - Contributors
Komlosy, Andrea
Crises, Long Waves and World System Analysis -
Tausch, Arno
Islamism and Antisemitism. Preliminary Evidence on Their Relationship from Crossnational Opinion Data -
Aleshkovskii, Ivan; Mishchenko, Yana
Russia’s Role in the Global Energy Markets -
Cuéllar, Hortensia
The Silk Route: A New Development Model? -
Bondarenko, Valentina
Conditions for Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals in Russia and the World -
Kiss, Endre
Essay on the New Globalization -
Grinin, Leonid; Grinin, Anton L.
Global Technological Perspectives in the Light of Cybernetic Revolution and Theory of Long Cycles
IV. Reviews and Notes
Harper, Tony
A Review of Leonid Grinin, Andrey Korotayev, and Arno Tausch's ‘Islamism, Arab Spring, and the Future of Democracy’, Springer International Publishing, 2019
III. Reviews
IV. Nikolai D. Kondratieff's Heritage and the Economic Science
Bondarenko, Valentina
The Feat of Life and Creativity -
Kondratieff, Nikolai
M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky (The Main Features of His Scientific Worldview)
Reviews and Notes
Baker, David
Proceedings of the Conference ‘Teaching and Researching Big History: Exploring a New Scholarly Field’